How cognitive behaviour therapy can help

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is now an intervention of choice in the UK for Depression, Anxiety, Substance Misuse, PTSD, Relationship Dilemmas and other psychological problems. The reason for this is that empirical studies have consistently demonstrated its effectiveness in improving these and other conditions. 

Feeling calm, balanced and in control

There is an emphasis on outcomes, and progress towards specific goals is usually measured at every appointment. 

A standard appointment will involve discussing progress on 'home practise'. People who undertake CBT treatment need to be resourced in commitment and time to complete home exercises. The more the exercises are practised, the greater the benefit. The exercises are enjoyable, engaging and rewarding.

Gently challenging negative beliefs and creating positive mindsets

Negative automatic thoughts, dysfunctional assumptions and limiting core beliefs are explored, challenged and 'corrected' through dialogue or exercises. 

The session's dialogue aspect might feel challenging, but remember this is not about challenging you as a person: It is about challenging your unhelpful beliefs, which is the point of the therapy. 

A mindful approach

MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) is a form of third Wave CBT, and this is also often integrated into the sessions to promote wellbeing. 

Who can practice as a CBT therapist?

CBT practitioners will have undertaken training in the modality and will be accredited by bodies such as UKCP, BACP or BABCP. 

Treatment plans and what other conditions is CBT useful for?

CBT also helps work with Eating Disorders, Panic Attacks, OCD, Problem Solving, Self-Esteem, Social Anxiety, Anger problems and General Stress.

Typically CBT treatment is time-limited and will involve eight to twelve sessions of 50 minutes each that take place on a sequential weekly basis. 

What is your next step to making an appointment?

To find out more about treatment plans, availability and pricing, contact the therapist directly. You can do this by phone or via a contact booking form. 

Find out more and book an appointment with our Cognitive behaviour therapists:

Find out more and book an appointment

Hypnotherapy and psychotherapy in Waterloo and Covent Garden

David is at the Colombo Centre in Waterloo on Wednesdays and in Covent Garden on Thursdays.