Acupuncture and your wellbeing 

Laura and Tina are the acupuncturists at our Waterloo centre. In addition to acupuncture, Laura is also a tui na medicinal massage practitioner and tai chi teacher.

Their patients come for acupuncture and tui na massage and movement therapy for a range of reasons. Many people find these treatments a powerful complement to western medicine and a vital component of their wellbeing programs. 

Types of problems which acupuncture can help with

The idea behind these treatments is to improve harmony within the body and mind to prevent minor ailments from becoming major ones, speed up the healing process, and keep people in good working order. In Chinese medicine, the emphasis is on prevention before cure.

In addition to preventative self-care treatments, our patients also come for a multitude of bodywork treatments, including:

  • Lower back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Neck and shoulder tension
  • IBS
  • Constipation
  • Dizziness
  • To improve mobility
  • To manage pain
  • Headaches
  • Temperature fluctuations
  • Fertility

To make a booking

To find out about treatment plans, pricing, expected wellbeing outcomes and availability, contact Laura or Tina through their bios below.

Acupuncture and stress

Some of our patients also find it helpful to use acupuncture in conjunction with our talking therapies. For example, people feeling stressed, anxious, going through grief, making major life decisions, overcoming addictions, handling competing demands at home and work find that a combination of talking and physical therapies works for them. Feeling listened to, being attended to, receiving treatment from a kind-hearted and experienced practitioner and in a relaxing setting is all part of the healing process.

Where to find us

Our Waterloo acupuncture therapy business is on the Colombo centre's top floor, 34 Colombo street SE18DP. 

Find out more and book an appointment

Acupuncture, Tui Na massage, Qigong and Tai Chi in Covent Garden and Waterloo

Laura is in Covent Garden on Wednesdays and the Colombo Centre on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Acupuncture in Waterloo

Tina is at the Colombo Centre on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.