What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is a talking therapy used to help people with a wide range of emotional and psychological issues. A psychotherapist is a trained professional who provides a safe environment for you to talk to and improve your mental health.

Many of us will experience one or mental health conditions in our lives. And opening up to them and seeking help is a sign of great strength.

How can psychotherapy help me?

People see psychotherapists for many different reasons, including:

  • Sex and sexuality issues, 
  • Depression, 
  • Addiction, 
  • Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), 
  • Stress, 
  • Relationship issues, 
  • Anxiety, 
  • Self-esteem issues, 
  • Emotional Trauma, 
  • Bereavement, 
  • Loss of a job, 
  • Eating disorders. 

Gaining insight into your mind is also a powerful form of self-development. You don't need to experience one or more of the above to see a therapist. It might just be that you feel out of sorts, lacking in meaning or have a big decision to make in life.

Whatever the reason, a conversation with a compassionate, independent, and knowledgeable mind expert can help clarify your thoughts, feelings and decisions. 

What does a Psychotherapist do?

A Psychotherapist listens with compassion and helps you have a deeper insight into the issues that may be troubling you. There are many different methods and schools of thought in Psychotherapy, and each therapist will has their style. 

Some of the techniques used include role-playing, visualisations or dream interpretation. 

The different methods and techniques will suit some people more than others. Research has shown that there is no one method or school of therapy that is the best. The most critical factor in the therapy's success is the quality of relationships between therapist and client. So it is essential to find a therapist who feels right for you.

Booking a session

To find out more about each of the therapist's approach, treatment plans, pricing and availability by clicking on their biographies and contacting them directly.

They are available for face to face session or remotely via Zoom or Skype.

Find out more and book an appointment with our Psychotherapy therapists:

Find out more and book an appointment

Psychotherapy and mindfulness in Waterloo

Dorinda is at Breathe at the Colombo Centre on Tuesdays.

Hypnotherapy and psychotherapy in Waterloo and Covent Garden

David is at the Colombo Centre in Waterloo on Wednesdays and in Covent Garden on Thursdays.