Sports massage in Covent Garden and Waterloo

The benefits of sports massage

Sports massage is aimed at people who vigorously train and also for those seeking relief from muscular tension or requiring massage for the maintenance of healthy muscles.  We see clients for:

  • Increasing mobility and flexibility
  • Reducing pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Tension headaches
  • Repetitive strain injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Helping athletes be at there best
  • Optimum performance
  •  injury prevention and improving workout recovery times

You don't need to be a sportsperson to get a sports massage. The same skills are used to help people move with more freedom, less pain and greater flexibility.

What is a treatment like?

A sports massage is often strong, energising and uplifting. 

During treatment, there is a manipulation of skin, fascia and muscle, stretching, movement and well-timed and placed pressure.

Sports therapists

Sports massage therapists are highly qualified and often work alongside physiotherapists and osteopaths. 

This type of exposure to clients and their needs makes therapists very adept at dealing with common injuries. Over time they get to know the best way of enhancing optimum performance.

How to choose a sports massage therapist

Whether you are choosing Sports or Deep Tissue therapists, go for the experience. 

A good therapist listens, is empathetic and treats the body and mind with compassion and intelligence. As a massage client, we can tell whether a therapist is used to the human body. There is confidence in touch, and that assurance enables us to relax and be enveloped by the healing process.

Your next step to booking a Sports massage at Breathe London

Find out about pricing, availability and treatment options by contacting the therapists directly through the contact information on their biographies.


Find out more and book an appointment

Sports and Deep Tissue Massage in Waterloo

Stan is at the Colombo Centre on Thursdays.

Massage and wellbeing in Waterloo

Julia is available for massage, aromatherapy and reflexology at the Colombo Centre on Mondays.

Osteopathy, sports massage and stress management in Covent Garden

William is available at Breathe Covent Garden on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Deep Tissue and Sports Massage in Covent Garden

Stephen is at Breathe in Covent Garden on Sundays.