What is counselling? How it can help you

Most people who are experiencing a problem find it helpful to talk to someone about it. Often there are friends and supportive family members to turn to in difficult times. 

However, seeking out a counsellor to talk through situations and dilemmas is often preferable because not only are they trained and expert at helping others resolve their issues, they are also neutral, non-judgemental and unbiased.

Counselling is a safe and confidential space in which to be heard. Through discussion and dialogue, light is thrown on complex areas of one’s life, and resolutions and ways through the difficulties are weighed up. 

Listening to your challenges and problems with compassion

The problems that any single person might bring to counselling are varied and manifold. For example, Anxiety, Depression, Relationship problems, Addictions, Grief, Childhood traumas are some of the main ones but are by no means exhaustive.

What happens during a session?

Counselling sessions usually last for 50 minutes. An initial meeting will enable you and the Counsellor to decide whether to limit the sessions to a specific number or leave things ‘open ended’. Counselling will continue until you feel better. If you think you want to stop, inform your Counsellor and bring the work to a close

Your professional counselling expert

Counsellors should have all received specialist professional training. 

They are accredited by bodies such as UKCP or BACP - so look out for these qualifications after their names to assure the highest ethical practice standards.

What is your next step to making an appointment?

To find out more about treatment plans, availability and pricing, contact the therapist directly. You can do this by phone or via a contact booking form. 

Find out more and book an appointment with our Counselling therapists:

Find out more and book an appointment

Psychotherapy and mindfulness in Waterloo

Dorinda is at Breathe at the Colombo Centre on Tuesdays.

Hypnotherapy and psychotherapy in Waterloo and Covent Garden

David is at the Colombo Centre in Waterloo on Wednesdays and in Covent Garden on Thursdays.