When does stress become too much, and what can we do about it?

 At some point in our lives, "good stress", which motivates and directs our energies, can be overcome by a wave of anxiety. 

Why does this happen? At what stage do we flip from coping and being resilient to floundering and feeling out of control?

Think of your thoughts and feelings in terms of river flow. Ideally, we want to find the middle part of the river, where thoughts and emotions flow with a smooth, graceful evolution. But sometimes, the flow in the river as stuck, slow, meandering and turgid. And at others chaotic, confusing and unpredictable.

Talking to an expert

To help us deal with, learn from, and grow from our anxiety and stress, it's worth considering the triggers that make us feel either heavy, slow, ponderous, chaotic, and unpredictable.

But to do that, we first need to slow down and see the world through calm eyes. 

We live our lives and react to the thoughts, emotions, and events swirling through our lives through our current emotions' prism. When we feel super stressed, even minor setbacks and negative comments stick with us and hurt us emotionally and physically. 

When we are feeling upbeat and positive, we can learn from setbacks and negative feedback and see them as opportunities for growth.

Coaching, counselling and psychotherapy at Breathe London

To slow down and observe the patterns and triggers in a calm and balanced way, we need to feel listened to, trusting and trusted, supported and nurtured and to be able to draw on evidence-based stress management tools.

The therapists at Breathe have many years of experience in creating safe spaces. Each has many different evidence-based tools to pass on to their clients, including psychotherapy, self-hypnosis, tapping, mindfulness, breathwork, and positive visualisation. 

These tools enable us to see the world in a more balanced and calm way. They create a space for us to observe our experience.

The relationship with your coach or therapist

The two most important aspects of successful coaching and therapy are the quality and validity of the approach taken and, most importantly, the trust built up between the therapist/coach and client.

We recommend spending some time reading the therapists biographies at Breathe London and then contacting them to make the first consultation. Each of the practitioners has unique gifts and competencies.

Find out more and book an appointment with our Anxiety and stress management therapists:

Please contact the therapist you want to see to discuss therapy plans, availability, pricing and get more details about wellbeing outcomes.

Find out more and book an appointment

Psychotherapy and mindfulness in Waterloo

Dorinda is at Breathe at the Colombo Centre on Tuesdays.

Hypnotherapy and psychotherapy in Waterloo and Covent Garden

David is at the Colombo Centre in Waterloo on Wednesdays and in Covent Garden on Thursdays.